Learn about serving on the school board  Would you like to know more about serving on the school board? That will be the topic of the November Board of Education Meet & Greet at Perry County School District 32.   Anyone interested in filing as a candidate for the Board of Education is invited to the Meet & Greet from 6-6:45 pm Wednesday, Nov. 13 at the Old Senior High School. Board members will answer questions, and information will be available from the Missouri School Boards Association and the Missouri Secretary of State’s office about filing and serving on a public school board.   Filing will be open Dec. 10-31, 2024 for two seats on the District 32 Board of Education, which will be elected on April 8, 2025.   To be eligible to serve as a school board member, one must: •	Be a U.S. citizen. •	Be a resident taxpayer of the district •	Be a resident of Missouri for at least one year. •	Be at least 24 years old. •	Be current on state and local taxes •	Not have been found guilty of or pled guilty to a felony under Missouri or federal law  •	Not be registered or required to register as a sex offender •	Have filed required campaign documents for all previous campaigns, if any •	And be otherwise eligible to hold office in accordance with Missouri law
Varsity Tutor Information
Fall scavenger hunt
The PHS Homecoming Parade will be held Saturday, Oct. 19. It leaves City Park at 10 am.  Spectators can view the parade along E. Ste. Maries St. from the City Park roundabout to Main St., and S. Main St. to National Guard Dr. For everyone’s safety, please keep children out of the street as the parade is moving.   Driver Information If you are driving a vehicle of any kind in the parade, email your name and cell phone number to Kate Martin at kmartin@pcsd32.com. You will receive text alerts when it’s time to tighten up the line and when the parade is leaving the park. Do not enter the park at the roundabout. It is closed to traffic for the safety of our students gathering in that area.  For safety, no one should enter or leave your vehicle or wagon during the parade.  Be sure to stay within a few car lengths of the vehicle ahead of you.  Large gaps in the parade encourage children to run into the street to get candy.  DO NOT STOP AT CITY PARKING LOT TO UNLOAD. THE PARADE ROUTE CONTINUES TO NATIONAL GUARD DRIVE.   Schedule 8:45 am  King and Queen Candidates and court members, PHS class floats, and float drivers meet on Armory Circle in City Park Float judging begins at 9 am. 9 am  PHS Class wagons will leave the Career Center; all students must be loaded prior to 9 am. Alumni Classes should begin lining up at City Park. Enter only from State Street or HWY 61. You cannot enter at the roundabout. Look for Class Year Stakes along roadway. 9:45 am All drivers should begin moving forward  to eliminate any gaps in the parade. 10 am  Parade begins, led by the Color Guard and our Grand Marshals Janet Seibel & Bill Fischer, and travels along E.Ste. Maries St. to Main St. to National Guard Dr. All floats should park by the football field
    Everything you need to know about Homecoming 2024 at Perryville High School!   This information will help students, alumni, staff, and the community enjoy Spirit Week and Homecoming activities next week.   Remember: PHS students must be in attendance all day on the days they wish to participate in Homecoming activities. They must attend all day on Friday to attend the dance on Saturday. School rules/regulations apply during all Homecoming activities, on and off campus.   Bonfire – Sunday, Oct. 13 The annual bonfire is set for Sunday, Oct. 13, and the fire will be lit at dusk. All school rules must be followed while attending the bonfire and anyone not following these rules is subject to be removed from school premises and/or school discipline. Everyone will be asked to leave at approximately 9:00 p.m.   Important bonfire info for seniors: The senior class is responsible for bringing wood for the bonfire. They will be allowed to bring wood on their trucks/trailers on Sunday, Oct. 13. Students will not be allowed to unload the wood until approximately 4 pm.  All seniors can help with unloading wood and building the bonfire. Only senior captains of fall sports and presidents of clubs are allowed to light the bonfire, which will be lit at dusk or approximately 7 pm.    Spirit Week – Oct. 14-18 (All costumes must be school-appropriate, no face/body paint) Monday, Oct. 14 – Cowboy/Cowgirl Day Tuesday, Oct. 15 – Disney Day Wednesday, Oct. 16 – Zoom Meeting Day (Professional top/PJ bottoms) * PJ Day for Grades PK-8 Thursday, Oct. 17 – Halloween Costume Day  *Halloween Shirt Day for Grades PK-8 Friday, Oct. 18 – Green Out/Class T-Shirt Day  Float Construction – Oct. 14-16 The PHS classes (Freshmen- Seniors) will build their Homecoming floats Monday, Oct. 14-Wednesday, Oct. 16 from 4-8 pm daily at the Career Center.   Pep Assembly – Friday, Oct. 18 The PHS Homecoming Pep Assembly is Friday, Oct. 18. Students should report to their 7th hour class for attendance. You will then be escorted to the football field at 1:15 pm.   Parade – Saturday, Oct. 19 The PHS Homecoming Parade is Saturday morning, Oct. 19. It begins at Perryville City Park, with line up beginning at 8:45 am for students and 9 am for alumni. The parade travels from City Park along Ste. Maries St. to Main St. to National Guard Dr. Floats should park by the football field after the parade.  8:30 am -  Floats move from the Career Center to the City Park and final clean-up of the Career Center float storage area – as needed by class sponsors and students 8:45 am - King and Queen Candidates, court members, floats, and float drivers meet at the City Park 9 am - All students wanting to ride in the parade on their class trailer should be on the trailer and ready to leave the Career Center 10 am – Parade begins  Homecoming Reception – Saturday, Oct. 19 All Pirates and the community are invited to attend the Homecoming Reception in the Old Senior High School from 10:30 am to Noon on Saturday, Oct. 19. This year’s Grand Marshals, Mrs. Janet Seibel and Mr. Bill Fischer, will greet friends and visitors. Light refreshments will be served. At 11 am, a brief ceremony will be held to present the Grand Marshal plaques and to honor the 2024 PHS Alumni Association Distinguished Alumnus, Mr. Eric Seibel. There will also be historical displays of mementos from FBLA/DECA and the 1985-86 Lady Pirates Basketball team, which won the state championship.   Senior Night Recognitions – Saturday, Oct. 19 At 12:15 pm, all seniors in band, football, cheerleading, and color guard should be on the football field with their families. At 12:20 pm, the Senior Night Recognitions begin. All Pirates and the community are invited to attend.   Football Game — Saturday, Oct. 19 The Perryville Pirates will host the Herculaneum Blackcats at Pirate Stadium with kick off at 1 pm. The Pirates head into the Homecoming game 5-1 on the season.   Halftime  The PHS Marching Buccaneers will present their field show “Aurora” during halftime of the football game. After the performance, the PHS Homecoming Court will take the field and the 2024 Homecoming King and Queen will be crowned.    Student Dance The student Homecoming Dance will be held from 8-11 pm Saturday, Oct. 19 at Perry Park Center. This is semi-formal; jeans are allowed, but no shorts. A student bringing a guest who does not attend Perryville High School must fill out a form (available in the wall pockets outside the high school office window) and return it by 3 pm on Wednesday, October 16, 2024.  Guests cannot be 21 years old or older and middle school students are not allowed.  Tickets for the Homecoming Dance will be on sale Monday, Oct.14 through Friday, Oct.18.  They will be sold in the lobby from 7:30-7:55 a.m. and 2:55-3:15 p.m. or in Mr. Broeking’s room (S204) during the day.  You must have all your fines paid in order to purchase tickets. If you wish to bring a guest, your guest form must be signed before you can purchase tickets. Dance tickets will only be sold in advance and will not be sold at the door.  Each ticket costs $10.
The Perryville High School Marching Band has created a field show called “Aurora” that celebrates the beauty of the Northern Lights. Pirate fans can see the show next Saturday, Oct. 19 a the Homecoming game against the Herculaneum Blackcats. Kickoff is at 1 pm, and the band takes the field at halftime. 
Gifted Education at District 32
PHS Homecoming Court announced  The 2024 Perryville High School Homecoming Court includes (from left) juniors Hannah Rittenberg and Alex Hayden, seniors Gwyn Newbrough and Xavier Pfaff, seniors Elise Lauck and Jake Cissell, seniors Jewel Riney and Ty Peeler, sophomores Lexi Schemel and Dezmen Hampson, and freshmen Julia Coffelt and Destyn Morgan. One of the senior pairs will be crowned Homecoming King and Queen during halftime of the PHS Homecoming football game, which begins at 1 pm Saturday, Oct. 19. The student Homecoming dance begins at 8 pm Saturday, Oct. 19.
Our October #TeacherProudTuesday shout-out goes to Ms. Phoebe Pohlman, who teaches Gifted Education for Grades 1-5 at Perryville Primary and Elementary Schools. Her nomination says that “Ms. Pohlman has made it a priority of the program to teach students about what it means to be gifted, including teaching them about gifted overexcitability, which she and her students call ‘superpowers,’ or ways people who are gifted experience and exhibit intense psychomotor, sensual, emotional, intellectual and imaginational behaviors. This helps her students better understand themselves and their reactions to the people and the world around them, which might be different from the ways others around them experience and react; this equips them to be able to better understand themselves and navigate life in healthy ways outside of her classroom as they grow. In addition to impacting her students’ lives, Ms. Pohlman works to educate other educators about giftedness, giving presentations to faculty and staff during professional development meetings. She also contributes professionally to the field of gifted education outside of the district through publishing in education trade journals and presenting at conferences. Ms. Pohlman sees each of her students for who they are as individuals — their strengths and weaknesses — and seeks to challenge each of them to grow not only intellectually, but also as people inside and outside of the classroom. She loves to have fun with her students, and they love to have fun while learning with her, too.” You can nominate a #D32 teacher to be featured in an upcoming #TeacherProudTuesday by completing the form at https://forms.gle/VnGkeay5GPRptLEfA. #D32 #piratepride
Longtime music educators Janet Seibel and Bill Fischer will serve as the 2024 Perryville High School Homecoming Parade Grand Marshals. The Homecoming festivities are set for Saturday, Oct. 19 beginning with the parade which will leave Perryville City Park at 10 am with Mrs. Seibel and Mr. Fischer in the lead. Alumni and the community are invited to attend the Grand Marshal and Distinguished Alumnus Reception, a casual event set for 10:30 am - Noon at the Old Senior High School. At 11 am, a brief program will be held to present the Grand Marshal and Distinguished Alumnus plaques. Refreshments will be served.
students visit Safety City park
Project Hope is hosting a free service day for everyone from 10 am – 2 pm Friday, Oct. 11 at the Shawnee Park Center at 835 South West End Boulevard in Cape Girardeau.   Services provided will include flu vaccinations; preventative mammograms and breast exams; access to birth certificates, driver’s licenses and Social Security cards; legal assistance; housing, education, and employment resources; medial and vision assessments; free hygiene kits; free groceries; free pet services and treats. More than 50 different services will be available at no cost.   Free child care will be provided by Kid’s Zone.  For
The PHS Alumni Association is pleased to  announce that beloved music educator Mr. Eric Seibel  will be posthumously honored as  the 2024 Perryville High School  Distinguished Alumnus.   Please join us for a reception to be held 10:30 am -Noon Saturday, Oct. 19  at the Old Senior High School, where  Mrs. Janet Seibel will accept the award.
Students calculate the distance a dinosaur could run in 8 strides
Students in the Perryville CEO program at District 32 tour the teller line at The Bank of Missouri with Rachael Brauener.
Choir rehearsals
Ms Appleton helps a student play Floor Is Lava to learn how to advocate for themselves in the workplace
Photo of Alyse Simmons, Grade 5 English Teacher at PES with the words "Teacher Proud Tuesday"
Students play the Bean Game in Personal Finance class
If your family receives Free/Reduced School Meals,  apply now for $120 per child SuN Bucks benefit