Photo collage of student who earned CTE Certificates

PACTC students earn Career and Technical Education certificates

Perryville Area Career and Technology Center has presented Career and Technical Education Certificates to 26 students who will graduate later this month.


Twenty-three of the students are from Perryville High School. They are Chloe Anschultz, Samuel Bachmann, Kiya Barton, Dane Beinlein, Garrett Braeuner, Addie Brewer, Leah Buerck, Jonah Cook, Clair Fritsche, Thomas Hayden, Brianna Hoehn, Kolin Kaempfe, Whitney Kasten, Kaylynne Kinikin, Rhylan Kirn, David Mejia-Box, Caleb Meyer, Jesse Steele, Brittany Steffens, Braden Tanz, Sierra Welch, Aaron Wibbenmeyer, and Courtney Wright. Devan Bangert and Brandon Palmer from Meadow Heights High School, and St. Genevieve High School students Zach Burr and John Lanning also earned the certification.


The Missouri CTE Certification program was created by the 98th General Assembly, which required the State Board of Education to work with the CTE Advisory Council, to establish minimum requirements for a career and technical education (CTE) certificate that students can earn in addition to their high school graduation diplomas. Students graduating in the 2020-2021 school year are the first to be eligible to earn a career and technical education (CTE) certificate.


This program ensures that students have the necessary technical and employability skills to be prepared for an entry-level career or additional training in a technical field. Students must meet all requirements in order to receive the CTE certificate.


Those criteria include:

·       Passing an approved Technical Skills Attainment assessment or earning an approved Industry Recognized Credential

·       Completing at least 50 hours of work-based learning experiences aligned with the CTE area of concentration

·       Maintain at least 95% attendance for Grades 9-12

·       Score at or above state standard on College and Career Readiness assessment (ACT, WorkKeys, or ASVAB)

·       Maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA

·       Earned at least 3 credits in a single CTE program area

·       Demonstrate employability skills


“This is our first group of students eligible to earn the CTE Certificate, so we’re very proud to have such a large number of students achieve this level of knowledge and skill,” said Mr. Craig Hayden, director of PACTC.


“Graduates who have earned this certificate are able to show prospective employers and post-secondary education or training programs that they are employable and have the drive and skills to succeed.”


To learn more about PACTC and its programs, visit